Best 9Gag Clone Script Server Requirements
In order to run Best 9gag Clone Script with 100% efficiency your server should meets the following requirements!
Best 9Gag Clone Script Server Requirements
Server Requirements
- HTTP Server (Apache, nginx, lighttpd or LiteSpeed)
- PHP 5.2+
- MySQL 4.0+
- GD Library 2+ with freetype support.
- ImageMagick and the convert binary must be accessible and executable from PHP.
- Multibyte Support (mbstring).
PHP Requirements
- short_open_tag : on
- mb_string : on
- open_basedir = (no value)
- safe_mode = off
- output_buffering = on
- register_globals = off
- register_argc_argv = On
- max_execution_time = 100 (Recommended or higher)
- default_socket_timeout = 180 (Recommended or higher)
- session.gc_maxlifetime = 10000 (Recommended)
- upload_max_filesize = 5MB (Recommended )
- post_max_size = 5MB (Recommended)
- memory_limit = 128MB (256M or higher Recommended)
- magic_quotes_gpc = on
- allow_url_fopen = on